Hello, Whale (2023) 13 minutes Cliches can be costumes, worn strategically to aid us in controlling our circumstances and resisting the conditions of sexual obedience that define our culture. We are all survivors of spaces and institutions that commandeer our desires, control our bodies, outcast those who do not desire obediently, or whose bodies do not obey simply by being. Whales have hip bones that do not serve a biological purpose, indicating that they once dwelled on land. They are mammals that decided to leave land behind. I pin a wish for myself on this image of the whale whose experience I can never really know. Then I ask, what is the difference between outcasting yourself and truly leaving land behind? How do you come above deck and find your own spotting cry? A cry that isn't an urge to capture or possess the one you desire but an invitation (“hello”) to step into your world and feel safe. back |